RoC Spa Night!
This event is for CM families (siblings of all ages welcome) and is not a drop off event as kids will be serving their own parents with a spa experience.
This event is for CM families (siblings of all ages welcome) and is not a drop off event as kids will be serving their own parents with a spa experience.
Due to snow we will have to reschedule our RoC Spa. Stay tuned for a new date!
This Sabbath (1/4) we will be celebrating the New Year with the Korean church. Service starts at 11am. Community potluck directly following. Cultural dress is encouraged!
Join us after potluck on Saturday, Nov 23 to pack stockings for the Multnomah Early Childhood Program, and also to make amazing advent candles!
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
Join us for a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship for all ages.
Costumes are optional.
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
We will be saying good bye to summer by enjoying a social time together! Come to church and enjoy a bounce house, field games, ice cream, and brunch!
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
Please join us for VBS this year from June 24 to June 29!
Click HERE to register!
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
We will be having our annual Cannon Beach retreat
PLEASE NOTE that there will not be any services at church this weekend
Click the registration link below for details
Our Spring Outreach previously scheduled for May 4th will be postponed for now, more details to follow!
Holden Convention Center
Oregon Conference
19800 Oatfield Rd
Gladstone, OR
We will meet at the entrance at 10:30-10:45 and sit as a group. There will be free lunch provided afterwards. Please note that there will be NO SABBATH SCHOOL this day.
If you are planning to attend please make sure to register your child at this website
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
Join us after Potluck on March 16 for tips on family oriented DISCIPLESHIP
After opening praise is finished in the main sanctuary, the kids will head on over to the chapel for Children’s Church. So please join us every first Sabbath of the month!
Please RSVP for the event here
This is an all family event for all CM families. Older kids will stay after potluck to help decorate and prepare dinner. Festivities start at 5pm and dinner served by your children at 5:30 followed by family games.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Please joint us at 11 o’clock for Joint Worship with the Korean Ministry. There will be NO SABBATH SCHOOL for this Sabbath.
You and your kids are encouraged to wear your cultural/heritage outfits. Can’t wait to see everyone dressed up!
Caroling practice will be the next 2 sabbath afternoons (Dec 2 & 9) directly after potluck and should last 20-30 minutes
Beyond Utopia is being screened in the main sanctuary at the same time. Purchase tickets are required for Beyond Utopia. Parents of small children are welcome in both showings, but drop off is only available for kids old enough to sit through a movie.
NOTE!!! Due to weather changes, our location has changed!
Join us as we celebrate the end of another great summer and the start of a new school year! This will be a time for ROC Kids families to connect and enjoy some water and boating fun together on the Willamette River. We hope to see you there!
When: September 3, 11AM-2PM
Where: Willamette Park, West Linn
What to Bring: towels, sand toys, beach tents/umbrellas, life jackets, a picnic for your family
Don’t miss out on this week long adventure in the snowy mountains of Everest discovering God’s amazing power! We hope you can join us for an awesome week of learning and growing together!
Join us for a wonderful weekend on the coast. There will be special events just for the kids including RoC Kids Children’s Church and a kids only game night. We hope to see you there!
RoC Kids will be attending Candyland Children’s Church by the Oregon Family and Children’s Ministry!
Where: Holden Convention Center
When: Saturday April 22, 11am-12:30pm
Who: Children ages 4+
All children who plan to attend must register.
RoC Kids will pack lunch sacks Sabbath afternoon for Ventura Park Elementary. This will be followed by a dinner and movie night hangout. Come join us for this community building event!
This event is kid-prepared, just for parents to enjoy! This year, it’s dinner theater!
When: February 11
Where: RoC Fellowship Hall
Time: 5:30-8:00 pm